Monday, January 7, 2008

TV Crumbles

Temperature: 4 degrees Fahrenheit
Distance from Indianapolis to Greenfield: 15 miles
Length of time to move: 5 ½ hours
Having Jesse and John Chilton move you: Priceless

Well...maybe not tv didnt make it. Notice the pieces…John was trying to move our 6000 lb TV from the living room floor into the bedroom armoire all by himself. I was of no help, as after 2999 lbs, I am useless. Whelp, John, not able to obtain a good grip to perform a dead lift of the TV, attempted, unsuccessfully to grip it from behind and CRUSHED it into a million pieces (more or less)! It was awesomely impressive! Seeing the back totally in tatters…John finally found his opportunity to gain a better grip!

1 comment:

Karis said...

Oh gosh!! Did your whole TV break??

Well done on keeping up with your blog, by the way. :)

Love you tremendously!! Do you also avert your eyes to annoying things? This would not surprise me, since we are already so much alike, particularly in our vain-ness. ;)